You can't get everything, you desire in life


You can't get everything, you desire in life
You can't get everything, you desire in life
Life is not just about winning, but also about failing, failing when you give it your all, failing despite all the effort, and failing when you manifest. It's important to understand that you can't get everything that you desire in life, sometimes, after giving it your best shot, you need to accept things as they are and move on.

Had life been a cakewalk where you get everything you dream of, then it would have been boring and pale. I truly believe that sometimes winning isn't important, but the mere courage to experiment, try something new, coming out of your comfort zone is.

Sometimes you may not win, but you need to be proud of yourself for having gone the extra mile to try.

People who have seen my last post may be aware of the fact that I ran for the student council of my college.

Yes, I lost despite giving my best, but did I really lose?

I don't think so. The experience of pitching myself in front of a crowd of 200+ intellectually bright students was a nerve-wracking task; believe me, I could feel the chills as soon as I stepped onto the stage. Somehow I managed to deliver a decent speech (obviously with quite a few hiccups)

What did I achieve in the end?

Maybe I didn't win, but I was certainly better off than those who just couldn't find the courage to step up.

So fail fail fail, but never stop pushing yourself to experiment, because you never fail but only miss to win!

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